Monday, April 22, 2024

WW I Propaganda posters


Directions: missing below are 3 missing commas

World War One propaganda posters included frightening depictions of the enemy to scare citizens into action justify the war recruit men to fight and raise money for war loans.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Ameliorate Charlemagne

Directions: grammatically correct the following sentence(s). There are two missing commas and three words that need to be capitalized.

Charlemagne who was the King of the Franks united most of Europe under his rule by power of the sword and was crowned holy roman emperor in 800 C.E. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Ameliorate Gandhi


Directions: grammatically correct the three sentences below, in red.

The main reason why people are inspired by Gandhiji was his philosophy of non-violence he used non-violence to British rule of India his manner of dressing shows us his unwillingness to use foreign products.

Video biography

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Ameliorate the Marshall Plan

Directions: grammatically correct the following sentences. There are three missing commas and a missing colon.

The Marshall Plan an American effort to rebuild Western European economies after WWII started in 1948 and lasted until 1951 the United States benefited in several ways it provided a market for American made goods and it helped stop the spread of Communism. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Ameliorate Nuremburg

Directions: there are six missing commas and one missing apostrophe.

On October 18 1945 twenty-two of Nazi Germanys political military and economic leaders were brought to trial in Nuremberg for crimes against peace war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Ameliorate Jethro Tull


Directions:  grammatically correct the following sentence, in red. There are three missing commas.

Englishman Jethro Tull born in 1664 invented the mechanical seed drill that dramatically increased harvest yields or food production.

Short video

Link to reading about Jethro Tull 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Ameliorate Enlightened Despot

Direction: grammatically correct the sentence below, in red. There are three missing commas.

Two Russian leaders in the 1700s Czar Peter the Great and the Empress Catherine the Great were referred to as enlightened despots because they embraced Enlightenment ideas. 

Lecture about Peter the Great