Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ameliorate Rosie the Riveter

Directions: students should grammatically correct the sentence(s) below, in red. There are 2 missing commas, 1 missing apostrophe, and proper nouns needing capitalization, and 3 misspelled words.

During world war two united States factoryes produced the supplyies needed to fight a modern war and rosie the riveter became a visible symbol of Americas industrial power.

Song about Rosie 
Artist Normal Rockwell and ROSIE

During World War Two, United States' factories produced the supplies needed to fight a modern war, and Rosie the Riveter became a visible symbol of America's industrial power.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ameliorate the Great Depression

Directions: students should correct the sentences below, in red.

when the great depression begin in 1929 herbert hoover was president he lose the election of 1932 to a man who promised america a new Deal: Franklin D. Roosevelt. 

Video: 1933 Inauguration speech

suggested answer:
When the Great Depression began in 1929, Herbert Hoover was president. He lost the Election of 1932 to a man who promised America a New Deal: Franklin D. Roosevelt. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ameliorate the Palmer Raids

Directions: students should correct the sentence(s) below, in red. (psst...there is one missing comma.)

The palmer raids occurred in the larger context of the red scare the term given to feer of and reaction against political radical in the United States following world war one. 
Suggested answer: 
The Palmer Raids occurred in the larger context of the Red Scare, the term given to fear of and reaction against political radicals in the United States following World War One. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ameliorate The TEAPOT Dome Scandal

Directions: students should correct the sentence(s) below, in red.

befour the watergate scandal with richard nixon teapot dome was considered the greatest political scandal in American history. 

Albert Fall was the first cabinet level official to go to prison 

Video : start at 12:33 for Harding's presidency

suggested answer

Before the Watergate Scandal with Richard Nixon, Teapot Dome was considered the greatest political scandal in American history.