Thursday, October 27, 2022

Ameliorate Enlightened Despot

Direction: grammatically correct the sentence below, in red. There are three missing commas.

Two Russian leaders in the 1700s Czar Peter the Great and the Empress Catherine the Great were referred to as enlightened despots because they embraced Enlightenment ideas. 

Lecture about Peter the Great

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Ameliorate Bartolome de Las Casas

directions: grammatically correct the sentence below. There are two missing commas.

Bartolomé de Las Casas a Catholic priest and historian in the 1500s exposed the European oppression of indigenous peoples in the Americas. 

de Las Casas video

de Bry Video

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Ameliorate Triangular Trade

Directions: grammatically improve, or ameliorate, the following sentences, in red. Add the following: a colon (:) and three semicolons(;). 

Triangular trade had three stages the first saw weapons textiles and wine shipped from Europe to Africa the second saw enslaved people from Africa shipped to the Americas the third sugar and coffee were shipped from the Americas to Europe.
